Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hiking in rain!!

I took both the kids hiking today with my son's cubscout troop. It was fun, even though the whole time it was raining. We went to China Camp State Park, in San Rafael, CA. The trail we went on was beautiful!! It's a great way to get exercise, but I didn't walk at a fast pace. I read somewhere that walking at a slow pace burns more calories then walking at a fast pace. I have no idea how many calories I burned today. In total, the hike was close to a mile roundtrip. I want to go agin, with a friend, and follow the trail longer.

As for loosing weight: no change in lbs from last week. Could be the time of the month , or could be I didn't work out hard enough. OR it could be that I'm still not picking the right foods to eat daily. Oh well, there's still 10 more weeks for me to loose weight in the challenge.

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