When did you start?
What are your goals?
What are you doing to reach your goal?
Yes, I am asking a lot of questions, but you need to push yourself sometimes and ask a lot of questions to make sure you are actually doing the things you need to be to accomplish your goal. In the words of Jim Rohn:
But you can also DO something about that, instead of just wishing. :o)
Challenge yourself to:
- walk more,
- buy one less latte or mocha a week,
- eat an apple instead of that donut that taunts you just one time a week,
- take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator,
- don't eat late at night (after 9pm),
- create a rainbow on your dinner plate once a week,
- dance while you are vacumming or washing dishes,
- drink more water,
- go to bed early...
What else can you come up with to challenge yourself? ;o) Comment with what you are doing!
I have been taking a 5 mile walk every Sunday with a few friends, up and down a very hilly street in town. I have also cut down on how much coffee and sodas I drink (again, lol) and replaced a few of those drinks with water. The hardest for me is to try and not eat the turnovers at work. I have been watching my calories as much as I can, which is hard for me becasue I do not EVER count calories... it's a lifestyle change, and I have done it before, and I can do it again. Motivation is the key, and determination, and willpower! For me personally, I have more to gain from making these changes in my lifestyle- not only will I improve my health, but I will be able to show my kids that being healthy is the right way to live. Mentally, I will be more satisfied with myself as a person, and be more positive.
Whatever you are doing, I hope that becoming a happier person overall is one of your goals!