Friday, September 27, 2019

What do you know about CBD?

Many things have happened in my life since I turned 40. I've had so many health issues, I'm beginning to think that I was cursed the moment I hit that magical number.

Anyone else feel that way?

It's been a year of frustrations, and many that keep popping up.

However, I have had MANY friends say, "You need to try CBD for that."  "Have you eaten any edibles? You need to try them!!"  "Try some gummies, that will really help!"

At first I thought those friends were CRAZY... telling me to eat or take something that comes from a marijuana plant.

Yea, me, who has always done the right thing, NEVER did drugs in my life, ALWAYS played it safe with alcohol... Me take a marijuana based product? YEA RIGHT!!!

Ok. But then over this summer I had some serious issues, that I was scared to even go to the dr about.

A friend kept trying to get me to come to a "plant based health talk."  I just kept saying "Maybe." and then never show up.

Then I finally showed up to one in June I think it was. It was ok honestly, nothing more nothing less. Then we had a local vendor event and she had her products there and a few friends that were in the same business.
Then she added me to a Facebook group that people left their testimonies on the product.

Then I finally bit the bullet and ordered the product.  Label says it has 50 uses, if you only use 2 drops a day. I figured, there was enough time to try it and see if it makes any difference in my health issues.

Well, suffice it to say, I'm hooked.

50 days later, and I'm ordering another bottle. Heck, I'm going on an autoship!!! That's how much faith I have in this product.

Before I get more into what health issues I had and what the CBD has done for me, I want to hear from other's out there who have had success with CBD, and who work in a job that does UA's... has anyone had problems with that?