There is so much information to share with you all about preventing household poisonings. With the start of the National Poison Prevention Week, I will share with you what I know. Here's something of immediate importance for you to look through...
News from CPSC
U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission
Office of Information and Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20207
For Immediate Release
March 16, 2006 CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
Release # 06-115 CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7800
National Poison Prevention Week Launch: Young Children Remain Most
Vulnerable for Unintentional Poisonings
WASHINGTON, D.C. – For the past 45 years, National Poison Prevention Week has worked to
educate and inform consumers of the dangers of unintentional poisonings. These efforts have
contributed to a significant decline in injuries and deaths.
But there are still about 30 children younger than 5 years old who die from unintentional
poisonings each year. Most of these poisonings are from products commonly found in the home.
About 85,000 young children visited U.S. hospital emergency rooms due to unintentional
poisonings in 2004.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the National Poison Prevention
Week Council, and the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) today
reported these deaths and injuries at a news conference to kick off National Poison Prevention
Week (March 19-25, 2006).
“Back in the 1960s, the number of deaths each year from unintentional poisoning was 15
times greater than it is today,” said CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. “Now there are literally
thousands of young people alive today who would have died without child-resistant packaging
and other measures that protect children from poisoning hazards.”
To further reduce the number of unintentional poisoning deaths and injuries, CPSC
recommends that the entire family do its part. Parents should keep items in their original
containers and leave the original labels on the products and read labels before use.
Grandparents should use child-resistant packaging and keep all household products and medicines locked up, out of sight and out of reach of young children. Older children should be aware of the dangers associated with poisonings and help their parents keep younger siblings in sight; this means taking them along when answering the phone or doorbell.
In addition to the poison prevention tips above, parents and caregivers should follow these
safety tips to reduce the risk of unintentional poisonings.
1. Use child-resistant packaging properly by closing the container securely after
each use or, if available, choose child-resistant unit packaging, which does not need to be
2. Call (800) 222-1222 immediately in case of poisoning.
3. Do not put decorative lamps and candles that contain lamp oil where children can reach
them. Lamp oil can be very toxic if ingested by young children.
4. Always turn the light on when giving or taking medicine so you can see what you are
taking. Check the dosage every time.
5. Avoid taking medicine in front of children.
“Proper and safe storage, use and supervision of all household products can substantially reduce
accidents in the home,” said Nancy Bock, Vice President of Education at The Soap and
Detergent Association, and chair of the Poison Prevention Week Council. “Take away the
opportunities for accidents to happen and you can literally save lives.”
According to AAPCC, poison control centers nationwide received about 1.2 million calls
about poison exposures involving children 5 years and younger in 2004. Among the potentially
toxic household products referenced in calls to the poison control centers were:
• Personal care products, including baby oil and mouthwash containing ethanol;
• Cleaning substances, including drain openers and oven cleaners;
• Over-the-counter pain relievers – including ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin – and
cough and cold medicines;
• Hydrocarbons, such as lamp oil and furniture polish; and
• Adult-strength vitamins and supplements containing iron.
“While we recognize the significant strides that have been made in poison prevention,
every day there are new parents, grandparents and childcare providers who may not be aware of the potential for poisonings,” said Kathy Wruk, president of AAPCC.
To get a free packet of poison prevention publications, write to “Poison Prevention
Packet,” P.O. Box 1543, Washington, DC 20013, or visit For additional information about poison prevention and poison control centers,
That being said, there are many different products on the market that are labled as "safe" yet still contain chemicals. Be extremely cautious when you purchase your common household products and be aware of the ingredients that are listed. Also know that not ALL of the ingredients are listed- and the ones not listed are the most harmful of all.
At the moment, there are a few companies that do sell safer products, products that are environmentally friendly. The least known companies are registered with the DSA, or the Direct Selling Association. I cannot list them here, but chances are that if you are reading this, you may know of one or two of them already! I am involved with one, which I have mentioned in previous posts. From what I know of the other companies, thier products are extremely comparable to the ones I use, but each has it's own formulas for safety ingredients. Each company will have one particular product unique to them. So do a search, research the products if you have time, and you will find great quality products that are safer to use in your home than the ones you see at Target or Wal-Mart. I promise!!